Angry Cat App

Lab #1 Questions

Element Default Event Records Data Type Max/Min
Dropdown Menu "On Change" Text Within"options" String N/A
Checkbox "On Change" True/False Boolean True/False
Canvas On Click (x,y) where canvas was clicked Number N/A
Text Area "On Change" Text within "text_area1" String N/A
Slider "On Input" "slider1 value" Number N/A
Chart "drawChart" Value Number N/A
Screen "On Click" or "On Keydown" "Click" or "Key" in Event Number N/A
Image "On Click" "Image1 Clicked" Boolean Clicked,Not Clicked
Radio Button "On Change" "radio button1 checked" True/False Boolean True/False
Label "On Click" "table1 clicked Boolean True/False
Text Box "on input"or "on change" "text input1 entered ..." String N/A

Paint Pot

This app does not work well on mobile, it is slow and you can not drag only tap as the touch interface sees this as scrolling. It would not work in a mobile browser, but it would work in it's own app.

Text Adventure

You make decisions in a traffic stop that can be good or bad!

Whacka Mole

Hit the mole to win, but be carefull miss too much and you lose


This is a 2 input, 4 function calculator!